Japanese beer makers are in trouble. Retail sales for regular beer have been declining for years now as salarymen who like a can of fizzy lager in the evening opt for cheaper variations. Even ...
If there’s one thing you’ll notice walking around Tokyo, it’s that people are always on the move. At any given moment of the day, no matter where you are in the city, the sidewalks are jammed ...
Residents in Japan may have spotted that recently Kirin has been featuring Disney characters on its Gogo no Kocha (Afternoon Tea) drink bottle labels.
Just another gratuitous and forgettable ploy ...
The ever-growing popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest has made the act of sharing quicker and easier than ever before. In fact, it goes without saying that ...
Social Media Omamori Amulet Set
Traditional talismans for the internet
Six designers from luxury fashion brands have got together to create a "Cocktail Collection" at Table 7 at Shibuya Hikarie.
The different cocktails include phoenix from Christian Dada, Tribe by ...
JT, ostensibly a tobacco company, has launched a new fifth version of its intriguing carbonated drink Komezukuri.
The name means "making rice" and naturally this is a fizzy beverage made using ...